Haystack AppFREE for Producers


Thousands of product on our Genetic Marketplace™

Discover newly added, featured, reduced and popular products for sale by AI's all over the world. This includes conventional, sexed and pooled semen.

We also have we have over 500,000 genetic evaluations for you to search, thanks to CDN.


Beautifully designed genetic evaluations

With a simplified summary, you can concentrate on the data you need, when you need it. We take the work out of decision making.

No more sales visits, no more calling to place an order within business hours. Simply click on the "Add to Cart", checkout and wait for the delivery.



It's like buying a book on Amazon

Ability to manage your cart, view applicable discounts, shipping costs (including tanks) all from our simply designed shopping cart.

At the click of a button you'll be taken to the fastest "Checkout" you've every seen. Making it that much quicker for your product to arrive at your barn door.


Powered by Stripe™

We except Visa, MasterCard and American Express from anyone, anywhere in the world and better yet, the producer pays absolutely nothing!

A 10% cut is taken from each transaction prior to depositing funds into the merchants bank account. 2.9% + 30¢ of which goes to our payment gateway Stripe to make this all possible.

Funds are delivered to merchant bank accounts on a 2-day rolling basis.

